Grandmaster Terence Parker

Brief info

Grandmaster Terence Parker (8th Degree) began his martial arts training in third grade in Pensacola, FL with Senior Grandmaster Bert Kollars. An avid life-long learner, Grandmaster Parker continues his study of martial arts through Tiger Rock’s continuing education training with Grandmasters across the globe.

Always looking to go above and beyond, GM Parker earned his Doctorate of Education (EdD), is a graduate of the Naval War College, and National Defense University, and a Major United States Marine Corps (retired).

In addition to instructing, owning, and operating Tiger Rock programs and academies, GM Parker was instrumental in the vision, organization, and implementation of MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) earning a black belt instructor rank.

Now retired from military service, Grandmaster Parker is excited to actively engage with our students and community here through our Evans Academy. Through his insight, ethics, and leadership, he is here to guide and inspire our students in achieving their personal best!